Monday, March 19, 2012

Logos Hope , Operation Blessing and Sikatt Foundation Dental Mission at Villegas High School

     On February 27 - March 2, 2012, a sixty-man team composed of medical doctors, dentists, nurses, pastors and volunteers conducted a medical-dental mission at the Antonio J. Villegas Vocational High School (AJVVHS).
Mr. Mark Santiago (Operation Blessing) Ms. Thelma Landicho (Principal, AJVVHS) Ms. Baby Villegas (Manila Tourism) and Ms. Louria Schoeman (Logos Hope)- The prime movers working hand in hand for a common good....
     The group from Logos Hope, Operation Blessing and SIKATT Foundation arrived on February 27, 2012. Miss Thelma Landicho, principal, welcomed the group with a short program and devotions.
Ms. Landicho welcomes Louria Schoeman, head of delegation of Logos Hope
     There were four service stations during the mission.
Station 1: Registration of students and checking of vital signs
Station 2: Counseling    Volunteers from SIKATT Foundation share stories with students

Station 3 : Treatment
Station 4 : Pharmacy       Distribution of free medicine
LOgos Hope, Operation Blessing and Sikatt Members - Making Others Smile!
     Fifteen dentists from different nationalities, five among whom were Filipinos, served 487 students during the four day mission.
     Four hundred thirty students (430) and teachers were also invited and visited the MV Logos Hope on a two-day schedule (March 7-8, 2012).
    The administrator and staff, teachers and students of AJVVHS  acknowledge with gratitude the help that was extended to the school by LOGOS, SIKATT and OB.

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